Wednesday, January 8, 2020


I needed to plan how I will appeal to my target audience and I also needed to know who they were. I had to research age, gender, ethnicity and social class. alongside, I had to research popular genres and themes in movies which would reach my target audience. I also needed to research and compare how the media industry is needed, so that I could produce a product that they will want. Finally, in order to market our movie, I had to know how to reach them  by using various distribution techniques. I will show how my research has influenced my planning by answering the questions below along with pictures to help support my answers.

I started by studying how brands define audiences to help create my own audience profile for our production. For example I looked at how Sky and NME defined audiences. This helped when I was profiling my audience, as a part of distributing my film I created a Facebook page, and other members of my group created things like an Instagram and Twitter accounts and also a film website. When trying to find out who my audience was I worked out why they enjoy the genre of this film. Why would they want to watch my film? What makes my film different from competing films? And How will my film appeal to the viewing needs of my target audience?

1. Who is my primary target audience? 

I will target my product for ages 15-35, male and female, British, and is under the genre of Action/Thriller.

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?


Television Programmes:

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

They may consider streaming websites and apps (Netflix, YouTube, or Disney Plus) and cinemas (Everyman   and Odeon). Information comes from releasing posters and trailers on to social media platforms and apps (Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), or posters on billboards (on motorways and streets) or posters on buses and other public transport vehicles. 

4. What brands do they prefer?
The collage shows multiple popular brands which my target audience prefer.

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

My film will begin with the end of the film, which means when the film opening ends and the movie title appears, the film will continue as a flash back. This film is linked to a recent news article, where 39 bodies were found in a lorry and the driver was a suspected human trafficker.

6. Why should my audience watch my film?

This film is about human trafficking which is becoming increasingly harder for the police to stop and is happening across the world, with no one knowing. My film will show what effect of kidnapping and trafficking has on both a traffickers mind and a detective. this will allow the audience to connect with the characters and it will allow them to understand the stress that comes from both jobs in this situation.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work: you have carefully considered how your film fits your audience and you have done audience research into how brands target audiences.



Casey Drewett 1723 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Ross Morrison 1748 Our brief was to make the title and ope...