We created a video talking about why we decided to use certain angles, shot type, locations, editing techniques and sounds in our film opening. Below the video is the script for the video.

We created Pinterest mood boards to illustrate the social classes and stereotypes that we want to use in our product. Additionally we created another Pinterest mood board showing the theme of Human Trafficking and posters about Human Trafficking.

The first Pinterest mood board shows the 
social classes, stereotypes and anti-stereotypes that we used in our film. The anti-stereotype is the female detective because the word detective usually connotes an image of a rough male detective/ or young male detective. However, we used character stereotypes for the foreign, male Human Trafficking leader (the fugitive), the young male detective and the young associate to the human trafficker.

1 comment:

  1. Video analysis with transcript, plus 2 Pinterest boards collating social types and issues. Confident , detailed analysis of film language, showing how meanings were created.



Casey Drewett 1723 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Ross Morrison 1748 Our brief was to make the title and ope...