Friday, October 11, 2019


RESEARCH: Distribution Collage

We watched a video from the FDA (Film Distributors Association) site to understand how Distributors worked and how they do their job. Kezia Williams, Head of Theatrical Distribution at Entertainment One UK, explained that, in a congested marketplace, a distributor's aim was to position a film in a way that it stood out for it's target audience. She also explained the different aspects of marketing to grip all ages, who are appropriate to the movie rating. Furthermore, Chris Besseling, Director of Marketing at Pathe UK, offered me a series of insights into how distributors market a film's USP. Also, He explained how to position the film as a unique cinema experience come the week of release. he mentioned the use of showing awards and reviews to audiences to try to interest the target audience to go see the movie. After watching this video, I understood how a distributor puts together a synergetic marketing that includes: 
  • Trailers 
  • Posters
  • Websites
  • Social Media pages; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
  • Newspaper articles 
  • Cross platform promotions

My Distribution collage on Ready Player One
My collage is based on the hit movie, Ready Player One. It is about a poor boy in Cleveland, Ohio, who tries to complete an Easter egg in a virtual reality world. they used multiple cohesive marketing techniques to interest audience to want to see the movie. Some examples of their uses of cohesive marketing is; twitter, Instagram, websites, poster, teaser trailers and trailers. The different social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc) work as a synergetic whole in promoting a product.

Matt Smith of the FDA tells us that spend on digital has increased enormously. for instance, when they released the trailers on to social media platforms, they are now cut for portrait viewing on smartphones. I sampled the image bellow, from twitter, to illustrate their use of formatting a small cut from their trailer. Matt Smith also refers to paid-for marketing as distinct from free publicity. Social media can generate viral marketing- free publicity.

They published the posters long before the movie is released, with hints of what the movie is about. Also, they added the main actor onto the cover so it so it will appeal to their target audience (who follow and like the actor). The posters also have the name of the director, Steven Spielberg, in which also will appeal to his followers and ingage the target audience to go watch and support another one of his movies. The distributers have to aim to appeal to the audience that follow the genres, Si-Fi and Adventure, and this is done by use of vibrant colours, showing futuristic technology and adventuous activities.

1 comment:

  1. You turned to the FDA site to learn about distribution and then investigated the marketing of Ready Player One. You show clear understanding of the process.



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