Monday, September 23, 2019



The title sequence starts with a faint violin being played and the title 'The Last of Us' appears on a black background. The letters are in white and the whole text is in bold, which could represent how the survivors of the virus outbreak have to be bolder than themselves to survive the darkness. The movie/game is about a virus that spread through USA. Also, it is about 20 years after the outbreak, where Joel (the protagonist) has to find his way across, what is left of various states, with a young girl (Ellie) who is immune to the virus. However, they are not the only people surviving, some are good and some are evil. 

After the title is shown, there is a hard cut to shots of fungus (representing the virus in the body) spreading across the screen. And this continues throughout the rest of the opening title sequenceAs this extreme close up is shown, it looks as though it is showing what is seen under a microscope, when exploring the virus. Furthermore, an acoustic guitar is being played (plucked) in the background and there is diegetic sounds of a male and female reporters, reporting about the virus spreading and being dying. This is effective because it connotes the thought of ruin and decay, and how easily life can change, which is also illustrated in the quick hard cuts. The soft guitar playing, Gustavo Santaolalla's poignant score, allows the viewer to feel as though they want to be comfortable but cannot, due to the disturbing news from the reporters. This is effective because it draws the attention of the viewer and makes them envisage what a world of ruin, infected people and a corrupt civilisation would look like. 

Throughout the whole of the title sequence the it is in black and white, which could symbolise how the world is quickly diminishing and in dyer need for change. Also the shots are slightly fuzzed (pixeled) which could illustrate how technology is less to nothing and how it is a technology free worldAlso it would connote how the survivors are confused about how the virus broke out. The text font and size is very small, connoting the idea of the viewers seeing what is through a microscope and are in bold, white lettering to make it clearer for the viewers to read and understand. I like how the shots are in black and white as it allows me to think of how i would cope in a world without technology and filled with infected people. The pace is very quick throughout the title sequence to allow the viewer to depict their own views and to make them slightly panic while watching it. This was effective as it connects to the viewers mind and changes their emotional state.

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Casey Drewett 1723 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Ross Morrison 1748 Our brief was to make the title and ope...