Wednesday, November 20, 2019


This is my Audience Questionnaire and I have created it to help me to produce a product that appeals to my target audience.

I used Google Forms to collect data on my target audience, that will be able to help me when I am planning my product. the Audience Questionnaire would allow me to establish what my target audience enjoy watch and do not enjoy watching. Alongside this, It will help me establish the right genre, age group, gender and social classes to target at. 

These are the questions I intended to ask:
  •  What gender are they?
  •  What is their age?
  •  What genres they like?
  •  Where do you prefer to watch films?
  •  Where do you find out the most about new films?
  •  Would you watch the film by the look of this poster?
  •  Do these trailers appeal to you/ would you watch them? (add links to 2/3 trailers for them to watch)
  •  Do you use any streaming platforms? If yes, what streaming platforms?
From this questionnaire i have had 15 responses and i am now alble to establish from these results how i should approach the produxtion of my film.

hown below are some of the results from the audience questionnaire which helped with reaching our target audience:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. You have devised an appropriate questionnaire for your target age group and the genre of the film that you are planning. You have taken the time to test it.
    Add the visuals here.



Casey Drewett 1723 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Ross Morrison 1748 Our brief was to make the title and ope...