Monday, February 3, 2020


To help us understand the distributions methods for films we decided to create a website. The website includes information about out product, photographs taken during filming, posters, videos and contact details. All of these we included in our website, links to our social media pages (our Instagram and Twitter account).

We created 3 posters so we can understand how to make poster be more visually appealing to our target audience. We created an establishing poster of a truck depot, which allows audiences to have a sneak peek into what is to come of the film. The second poster is an individual poster and we did this because many distributors of films post posters that only feature the main character, who is usually played by a big actor/ actress. An example of this would be for the film Ad Astra, which had 3 individual posters, which all had Brad Pitt in. The third poster is the final poster for the film and it focuses on all the main characters. 

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Casey Drewett 1723 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 I worked with Ross Morrison 1748 Our brief was to make the title and ope...